Monday, September 15, 2008


Name. Philip Carr

aka. Cal

Age. 28

Nationality. Manx (British Islands)

Education. Braddan Primary School (Isle of Man)
Ballakermeen High School (Isle Of Man)
University of Leeds (England)

Work. Everything from Potwash to English Teacher via Bartender, Chef, Builder of Indoor Climbing Walls, Fisherman and Stonemason.

Previous charity work. Includes 3 London Marathons

Countries I have lived and worked in. England, Ireland, Scotland and Austria

Countries visited. Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Spain, France, Greece, Holland, USA

Places I would like to visit. Especially the Himalayas, the Antarctic, Mongolia and Iceland.

Current book. Soil and the Soul by Alastair McIntosh


Unknown said...

Alright Phillis, how's it going mate? This is Maskell, managed to spot this link on Facebook :)

Loioks like you're having fun anyway.

Unknown said...
